Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Smooth Move Chump

Went to this sports bar and they were charging $5 at the door for showing a fight. This cute little chick was working the door and was marking everyone's hands.

I get inside and realize she drew a smiley face on my hand. I thought, sweet. Cute chick working the door is vibin me. I meet up with my friends and showed them the smiley face. And they just looked and laughed. I didn't know what the big joke was.

Apparently, everyone had smiley faces on their hands.

Everyone thought I was a chump for thinkin the chick working the door was feelin me. You know me. Don't ever tell me I can't make it happen. So, obviously I went up to her.

Me: I thought I was special cuz I had a smiley face on my hand.

Door Chick: Oh yeah. Sorry. She gives me a smile. Do you want me to draw something else.

Me: Sure. I put out my hand. She begins to draw a smiley face with more details.

Door Chick: There you go. She gives me another smile.

Me: Now you gotta autograph it. Just in case you ever get famous, I can say I got an original. I know I know a little corny.

Door Chick: Of course. She begins to sign it.

Me: Nice. Now you just gotta put your phone number underneath that.

Door Chick: She smiles and giggles. Oh I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend.

Me: Oh thats too bad. Hey. You can't blame a guy for trying. She smiles as I walk away.

Now, I know I didn't get the number, but when I got back to my friends and told them the story they thought it was a pretty smooth move. Not bad for a Chump.


Anonymous said...


I'm telling you man, the Chronicles are going to be huge one day. Perhaps you should start drawing them as comic strip.

Anyhow, just finished my chapter this morning and read your latest over my cup of coffee.

..Can I have your number under the smiley face - this kid man! Classic!

mr. make love to your mama said...

a comic book! word.