Saturday, March 15, 2008

gchat session with jessie

my sophomore year at pratt, i met this little freshman named jessie at a party. i remember she was a little tipsy (ok, maybe a lot...but shhhh) and dancing around by herself. i don't remember actually talking to her that night but i'm sure we were introduced because i can't remember a day after that when i didn't hang out with her.

back then, jessie worked hard and partied hard (photo 1 was back when she was a sophomore...i think). she picked up art direction as a
major and devoted herself to design. there were always ideas and projects she needed to work out, things to research and people to talk to...despite her crazy work load and impressive social calendar, her work was always well thought out and impressively well made.

after college, jessie set her sights big. she spent a summer in london after graduation, came back to nyc to work (photo 2) and moved in with yours truly in that 3 bedroom in brooklyn (with melissa--check out february's interview). her eye for design has only matured and improved throughout the years and she has always managed to stay true to who she is. everytime she shows me a new project she is working on, i am always impressed with how professional the quality of her work is and am amazed at her concepts and ideas.

jessie's smart, sassy, and short--an all around triple threat. i know that she is someone i can talk to about life, politics and anything creative and she always has something different to say. check out what she has to say about her own plans as well as the meaning of life below (but if you want more, you can always check out her blog):
me: ready?
Jessie: ok ready when you are.
if there are long delays it just means i had work stuff to take care of.
me: no prob. so tell me about what you do.
Jessie: I draw all day. hehee, well thats what i like to think, but really i design all day. I am an art director at a boutique design agency.
me: what's the difference between art direction and graphic design?
Jessie: well there is subtle difference and depending on who your're talking to its gets fuzzy. hehehe. its all a big mystery. At my current job i'm dong a little more graphic design then i would like, but it's good skills to have. art direction really refers to the direction givin to a specific project and graphic design refers to actual design elements, so an art director would technically give direction to a graphic designer.
me: what would you like to be doing then? if you weren't working there.

Jessie: working at an advertising agency in a creative team with a copywriter. so it would be more concepting then designing. i like to come up with ideas and then have someone help me execute them, i really believe in team work. i don't like having to do everthing from concept to design to production.
me: you want to be the ideas lady?
Jessie: exactly.
me: over the years i've really seen your designs really grow though. what would you attribute that to?
Jessie: practice. i sit at a computer 9+hours a day 5 days a week just designing stuff, so i guess the odds of me growing as a designer are high, just because of practice.
me: does that mean your ideas are getting better or your eye for design is better?
Jessie: i think both. sometimes my ideas bog down my design.
me: too much going on there?
Jessie: heheheh
me: what are some of your inspirations?
Jessie: my commute...hehhee, i drive an hour from yonkers to CT so the scenery is inspiring.
me: you're a nature girl.
Jessie: hhehee. but also design mags are really inspirational. as cheesy as this is, my man friend, Mike, is totally inspirational, he is nuts and sometimes his crazy ideas get me thinking. and our 'art' debates are inspirational.
me: do you want to give him a shout out here?
Jessie: heheheh yea!!
me: go for it.
Jessie: wait what does that really mean, 'shout out'
me: HAHA you've never heard someone give a shout out on the radio?
Jessie: well yes, but i was wo
ndering how it worked online? do i just type his name and type nice things, do i just type his name and say what he is doing or where he is from? I'm not well versed in all things online.
me: HAHA you can do it however you'd like. whatever you think would make him happy.

he will definitely say i'm cheesy. i love it.
me: HAHA ok cool. i think he'll love that.
so tell me about some of your own personal projects that you're working on (including the flea)
Jessie: oh many. i'm painting a portrait for my bestest friend and her family, i'm making a cross stitch piece for my mom for mothers day, Mike and i are still painting our apartment, i'm working on my personal website, i'm designing a whole 'hire me' campaign and i'm working on crafts for the Flea market. oh and doing random freelance jobs with mike so that we can pay for our wedding. we got our first client, who is a promotions guy, so we are doing about 5/10 flyers a month for him.
man i just got tired thinking about everything i have to do.
me: it seems like life is just a giant design problem to you...
Jessie: it is!!!
me: is there a difference to you between your design work and your paintings and your knitting/crocheting?
Jessie: hmmm well i love doing paintings and crocheting because i use my hands.
designing is ALL on the computer so sometimes it doesn't seem as personal
me: even though your designs are coming from you?
(i'm gonna take a quick shower while i wait for you to respond)
Jessie: yea, i just like using my hands sometimes makes it feel more productive.
(short break)
sorry, i know it takes me awhile to respond every now and then i have to design something. hehe
me: all good, i'm back now
Jessie: hi, welcome back. squeaky clean?
me: oooo yes! ready to go on?
Jessie: yes yes
me: do you think there will ever be a way to merge your design with your hands on stuff? (because i already have a few ideas for you)
Jessie: heehehe, well actually yes, man friend Mike and I have been tossing around the idea of starting a company that is totaly based on the hands on process of art making through graphic design. We are calling it XXXXXXXXXXX (DTM blocked out the name so haters can't steal it) and it is all about the art making process and how sometimes that process gets lost on the computer. and designing a company around ART MAKING.
me: that's awesome. is there a timeline for it?
Jessie: HHEHEHE, well we would love to start it on the grassroots level, get the kind of clients we want and explore the idea before going crazy. and now that i have seen how a small company functions i want to see how a large one does, so i have a few years of agency experience to get through.
me: but you think you can mix love and business? haha.
Jessie: ooo definitely, mike and i are more business
me: haha. well, before we end this i have one question. what's the meaning of life?
Jessie: to always have fun
me: you might be right...ok, jess, you are dunzo. do you have anything else you'd like to add?
: hmmmm, no just that i'm really excited to work with you and everyone else at this flea market. I really do believe team work is the ultimate learning lesson. i love drawing inspiration from friends/coworkers and fellow crafters.
me: you're funny
Jessie: YAY. over and out.
me: HAHA exactly.

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