Wednesday, July 9, 2008

10 toys that made you gay

i want to say. i remember playing with a pogo ball as a child. i still aint gay tho. 
#1 is reallllllly suspect. the director of that commercial should go to jail.


Fluid Visuals said...

I am so glad I never had any of those toys.

Gifted said...

i have a portable expandable oozinator...

MrDones said...
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MrDones said...

1) If ever got hit with an oozinator (major pumping required) someone was getting cut.

2) I had like 2 'My Buddys"-did having "kid sister" make you a pedophile?

3) Why did the black kid in the underwear have to spin? Cuz he can dance? Underwear-Racist.

4) That black kid in the Michael commercial had some legit gear.

5) I was too fat for toys that bounced. Still am.

Anonymous said...

Hold on. Hold on. Underoos were the shit. Sorry, but I when I got those for Christmas, I was happy, running around the house acting like a superhero.

Of course, it wasn't until after I was married that I let my wife knew I still wear them.

Now she just closes the door slowly and tries to smile.


MrDones said...

wait, i just realized-wasn't everything in the 80s/early 90s gay? Why is this list news?

missDTM said...

i am happy that i never ever had any of those toys.